هائي ڪانگوان طبي اوزار ڪمپني، ايل ٽي ڊي.

ڪانگيوان ميڊيڪل سڀني ملازمن کي ناف جي نارنگي هٿ ڪيو

زمين زمين جو هلڻ، زمين سان گڏ چرئي، يا ڪتا پڻ جو فصل پڻ به آهي. انهن جي محنت لاء سڀني ملازمن جي مهرباني ڪرڻ لاء. Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. recently organized a condoling activity to hand out freshly picked Gannan navel oranges to all 366 employees, conveying full care and blessing to employees.

س process و عمل ترتيب سان ۽ گرمائش ۽ خوشي جو پورو هو. When the employees received the navel oranges, their faces were filled with happy smiles, and they said that they would share this sweetness with their family and friends. The arrival of navel orange is not only a delicious welfare, but also a care and encouragement, so that employees feel the love and support from the company in the busy work.


پوسٽ جو وقت: ڊسمبر 21-2024